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Americana Selections - Detailed information about "Specimen Days", Walt Whitman ![]() Prints are offset lithographic reproductions of Susan Loy’s original watercolor. Image Size: 15-1/2” x 15-1/2” Paper Size: 18” x 18-1/2” Frame Size: 23” x 23” Paying homage to Walt Whitman, Susan Loy’s print, “Specimen Days,” features a central bouquet of giant white laurel blossoms and pine, a colorful floral wreath with twenty-six plant species, insects, corner bird drawings of Canada goose, bush-sparrow, black-capped tit, and wood thrush, and a central quotation, from Whitman’s Specimen Days, hand-lettered in green: “This has been and is yet a great season for wild flowers; oceans of them line the roads through the woods, border the edges of the water-runlets, grow along the old fences, and are scatter’d in profusion over the fields. All is peace here… Here amid this wild, free scene, how healthy, how joyous, how clean and vigorous and sweet!” Specimen Day & Collect, published in 1882, is Whitman’s journal of his time spent during the Civil War in Washington, D.C. and after the war, roughly 1876-1880, healing from a stroke in the rural countryside near Timber Creek and the Delaware River in Camden County, New Jersey. He also recorded his travels to the Hudson River Valley, Central Park, Boston, Niagara Falls, the Great Plains, and the Arkansas River. In a chapter titled, “A Civility Too Long Neglected,” Whitman dedicated these “Specimen Days” to the birds, wildflowers, trees, herbs, reptiles, and insects that populate the countryside: “As a faint testimonial of my own gratitude for many hours of peace and comfort… I hereby dedicate the last half of these Specimen Days to the bees, black-birds, dragon-flies, pond-turtles, mulleins, tansy, peppermint, moths (great and little, some splendid fellows,) glow-worms, (swarming millions of them indescribably strange and beautiful at night over the pond and creek,) water-snakes, crows, millers, mosquitoes, butterflies, wasps and hornets, cat birds (and all other birds,) cedars, tulip-trees (and all other trees,) and to the spots and memories of those days, and of the creek.” Throughout his journal, he recorded the various species of birds, trees, and perennial blossoms that he made acquaintance with in one season or another. In a section titled, “Trees I am familiar with here,” and dated Aug. 4, 1876, Whitman listed: “Oaks, (many kinds–one sturdy old fellow, vital, green, bushy, five feet thick at the but, I sit under every day.) Cedars, plenty. Tulip trees, (Liriodendron, is of the magnolia family–I have seen it in Michigan and southern Illinois, 140 feet high and 8 feet thick at the butt; does not transplant well; best rais’d from seeds–the lumbermen call it yellow poplar.) Sycamores. Gum-trees, both sweet and sour. Beeches. Black-walnuts. Sassafras. Willows. Catalpas. Persimmons. Mountain-ash. Hickories. Maples, many kinds. Locusts. Birches. Dogwood. Pine. The Elm. Chestnut. Linden. Aspen. Spruce. Hornbeam. Laurel. Holly.” In a section titled, “Birds Birds and Birds,” from April 1877, Whitman noted, “An unusual melodiousness, these days, (last of April and first of May) from the blackbirds; indeed all sorts of birds, darting, whistling, hopping or perch’d on trees…. Let me make a list of those I find here: Black birds (plenty,) Ring doves, Woodpeckers, King-birds, Crows (plenty,) Wrens, Kingfishers, Quails, Turkey-buzzards, Hen-hawks, Yellow birds, Thrushes, Reed birds, Meadow-larks (plenty,) Cat-birds (plenty,) Cuckoos, Pond snipes (plenty,) Cheewinks, Quawks, Ground robins, Ravens, Gray snipes, Eagles, High-holes, Herons, Tits, Wood pigeons. Early came the Blue birds, Killdeer, Plover, Robin, Woodcock, Meadow lark, White-bellied swallow, Sandpiper, Wilson’s thrush, Flicker.” In a chapter titled, “Wild Flowers,” Whitman lists “the names of some of these perennial blossoms and friendly weeds I have made acquaintance with hereabout one season or another in my walks: wild azalea, wild honeysuckle, wild roses, golden rod, larkspur, early crocus, sweet flag, (great patches of it,) creeper, trumpet-flower, scented marjoram, snakeroot, Solomon’s seal, sweet balm, mint, (great plenty,) wild geranium, wild heliotrope, burdock, dandelions, yarrow, coreopsis, wild pea, woodbine, elderberry, poke-weed, sun-flower, chamomile, violets, clematis, bloodroot, swamp magnolia, milk-weed, wild daisy, (plenty,) wild chrysanthemum.” Susan Loy selected twenty-six of these trees and wild flowers, one for every letter of the alphabet, and illustrated them in a colorful wreath. She lettered the common and botanical name of each plant and its meaning in the Victorian Language of Flowers. The twenty-six plants and trees include:
Apple Blossom, Malus coronaria: preference
Blue Liverwort, Hepatica americana: trust
Coreopsis, C. lanceolata: cheerfulness
Dogwood, Cornus florida: durability
Elderberry, Sambucus canadensis: zealousness
Flax, Linum lewisii: kind feelings
Geranium maculatum, wild geranium: confidence
Horsemint, Monarda didyma: sympathy
Ipomoea pandurata, wild potato vine: affection
Johnny-Jump-Up, Viola papilionacea: faith
King Fern, Osmunda spectabilis: dreams
Lobelia cardinalis, cardinal flower: distinction
Magnolia glauca, swamp magnolia: love of nature
Nymphaea odorata, water lily: purity of heart
Orchid, Orchis spectabilis: a belle
Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana: freedom
Quercus velutina, black oak: bravery
Rosa virginiana, wild rose: simplicity
Sunflower, Helianthus annus: lofty thoughts
Tulip-Tree, Lireodendron tulipifera: rural happiness
Umbelliferae, Snakeroot, Sanicula canadensis: health
Virgin’s Bower, Clematis virginiana: filial love
Xyris torta, yellow-eyed grass: utility
Yarrow, Achillea millefolium: cure
Zea Mays, Indian corn: abundance
This wreath populated with species of bees, moths, and butterflies and has a floral motif of orange trumpet-creeper and green juniper with blue berries. Whitman included, creeper, trumpet-flower, Campsis radicans, in his list of perennials. In a chapter titled “Cedar-Apples,” he described the juniper or red cedar, Juniperus virginiana: “As you go along roads, or barrens, or across country, anywhere through these States, middle, eastern, western, or southern, you will see, certain seasons of the year, the thick woolly tufts of the cedar mottled with bunches of china-blue berries… After a long rain, when everything looks bright, often have I stop in my wood-saunters, south or north, or far west, to take in its dusky green, wash’d clean and sweet, and speck’d copiously with its fruit of clear, hardy blue.” Four birds perch in each corner of the piece: Canada Goose, Branta canadensis, lower left; Bush Sparrow, Spizella pusilla, upper left; Black-Cap Tit or Chickadee, Parus atricapillus, upper right; Wood Thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, lower right. In a chapter titled, “A Hint of Wild Nature,” dated Feb. 13, 1880, Whitman described seeing a large flock of wild geese flying overhead, “…flashing to me such a hint of the whole spread of Nature, with her eternal unsophisticated freshness, her never-visited recesses of sea, sky, shore–and then disappearing in the distance.” On April 26, 1879, at sunrise, he noted several bird songs, including “An hour later, some notes, few and simple, yet delicious and perfect, from the bush-sparrow.”Whitman mentions the tit in the “Birds Birds and Birds” section from April 1877. On April 29, 1879, he recorded, “As we drove lingering along the road we heard, just after sundown, the song of the wood-thrush. We stopp’d without a word, and listen’d long. The delicious notes–a sweet, artless, voluntary, simple anthem, as from the flute-stops of some organ, wafted through the twillght–echoing well to us from the perpendicular high rock, where, in some thick young trees’ recesses at the base, sat the bird–fill’d our senses, our souls.” The central bouquet features giant white blossoms of the Great Laurel, Rhododendron maximum, and the delicate green pine needles and brown cones of Pinus Virginiana. Whitman included laurels in his list of familiar trees and on March 8, 1880 found “a thick undergrowth of laurels” while loafing in the woods. The next day, following a snowstorm, he returned and saw that “every snowflake lay where it fell on the evergreens, holly-trees, laurels, &c., the multitudinous leaves and branches piled, bulging-white, defined by edge-lines of emerald.” He included pine in his list of familiar trees, and mentioned pine trees dozens of times in his journal; on April 6, 1877, he wrote “All is solitude, morning freshness….frequent cedars and pines yet green.”
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