Literary Calligraphy by Susan Loy

Holly Tree Christmas Card


Susan Loy of Literary Calligraphy in Moneta, VA, joins text from literary classics or Biblical passages with delicate watercolor images and creates a unique bond between fine art and literature.

4-1/4" x 5-1/2" with 9 white envelopes in clear box with ribbon tie

Holly Tree card has a quote about the symbolism of holly in a bold design by Susan Loy. In his poem, "The Holly Tree," Robert Southey, Poet Laureate of England from 1813-1843, referred to its rich symbolism, "I... in this wisdom of the holly tree can emblems see."

Holly, with its bright red berries and glossy green leaves, was used in ancient festivals such as the annual Roman Saturnalia celebrated at the winter solstice. Early Christians adopted the custom from the Romans, and we have been decorating with holly at Christmas ever since.

Holly is an emblem of protection and foresight, protection, because the prickly leaves lend protection and because red was considered a protective color. In the Victorian language of flowers, holly means foresight because in folklore it was used to give second sight and because of the custom of keeping a sprig of holly in the house to carry forward good luck into the new year.


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