Stationery Selections - "2017 CALENDAR"
Susan Loy’s 20th annual Literary Calligraphy calendar is a retrospective of her calendar art, 1997-2017. She begins with the language of flowers in the 1990s and ends with geometric quantum physics-inspired art in 2017. The calendar includes her historic “The White House Easter Egg Roll, 1878-1998,” popular designs, including “Love Is Patient” and “Apache Blessing,” and nine others that survey the changing styles and motifs that Susan Loy has brought to modern calligraphy. Loy describes the calendar: “January presents Emily Dickinson’s “The Lilac Is an Ancient Shrub,” which I painted in the late 1980s; Dickinson, of course, hearkens back to the ancient history of the lilac shrub and further back to the firmamental color that still appears “upon the Hill tonight.” February salutes Valentine’s Day with St. Paul’s definition of love and the version of 1 Corinthians 13, “Love Is Patient,” that I created about 1997. March features Robert Frost’s poem about life’s choices, “The Road Not Taken,” from about 1998. April presents “The White House Easter Egg Roll, 1878-1998,” which I created for the White House in 1998-99 as part of my duties as “Artist on the Lawn,” a tradition that dates back prior to photography. My role was to gather impressions and then create a poster, which I presented to the President and First Lady in 1999. May celebrates wild flowers with Henry David Thoreau and my watercolor from about 2000, “The Language of Wild Flowers.” June features the traditional “Irish Blessing” from about 2003. The color wheel seems to perfectly express the change of seasons, one of my favorite themes, featured in July with one of six versions of “To Every Thing There Is a Season” that I’ve completed; this one is from about 2004. My husband and I share an August wedding anniversary with our niece and nephew, so I chose the “Apache Blessing,” created about 2006, to celebrate all anniversaries. “Article 3: Justice,” created about 2008, is featured in September to pay homage to justice as well as to the U. S. Constitution, commemorated on September 17, Constitution Day. October features “The Flowers of the Month,” created about 2009, with seasonal poems by Dickinson, Riley, Shakespeare, and Thoreau. My interpretation of Rudyard Kipling’s inspirational poem, “If,” from about 2010 is shown in November; Kipling reminds us to “fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run.” The year closes with a look to the future. December features the newest in my Higgs Boson Series, “Four Leptons,” created in 2015. I have received permission from CERN, the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics, to use Atlas photographs of Higgs boson candidate events as models. “Four Leptons” is my watercolor drawing of Event 12611816, and I hope to add to this series in the future. The text for “Four Leptons” is a word palindrome, reading the same forward and backward, – ALL FOR ONE ONE FOR ALL– and reflects the spirit of cooperation demonstrated at CERN by scientists and engineers from all over the world, working together towards common goals. I chose one species, the European tree frog, Hyla arborea, to represent all species as a small reminder that we’re all in this together.” Each month displays a different full-page image on the top, with a full-page monthly grid below that includes past and future months, lunar phases, holidays, and quotations from writers on their birthdays or from their journals. The 12” x 12” format opens to 12” x 24” – large enough to display intricate detail and allow ample room for jotting down important dates. Our 20th calendar is an economical way to enjoy Susan Loy’s Literary Calligraphy® artwork. We produce the entire calendar in-house and have it printed on heavy, glossy paper by Bison Printing in Bedford County, Virginia. Made in USA. We have partnered with amazon.com ~ you will enjoy the same price, quicker delivery, and lower shipping rates than we can offer in-house. Are you ready to order? Click the Amazon logo below...
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